Reading together is a wonderful way to spend time with your child or grandchild, and sharing stories can create a bond that will last a lifetime. However, it can be difficult for some families to read together if one of the readers has a visual impairment. But thanks...
Participate fully in society. Always be able to read and participate fully in society. Even if you are blind or visually impaired or if you cannot read properly due to a condition. That is why we have been producing reading material in adapted reading formats such as...
Experience art by smelling, hearing, feeling and seeing. The new multi-sensory collection presentation Cross-connections in the Van Abbemuseum invites you to experience art differently: sometimes literally by feeling, smelling or hearing art. Dwarsverbanden spans more...
An independent visit to a museum can be quite a challenge for people with a visual impairment. That is why Museum De Lakenhal developed an audio tour especially for this target group, which tells you everything about the museum and its building. The tour can be...
The Hague, April 18, 2023 – Everyone knows Miffy. But what if you are blind? How do you know what Miffy looks like? There is good news for children with a visual impairment: five titles from Mercis publishers feature tactile drawings and text in Braille and black...
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